Tender Mornings is a newsletter offering in which I explore the intersections of nature and motherhood through essays, field notes and conversations with my bioregion.

My name is Autumn and I’m an essayist, herbalist and mother living in the Hudson Valley of New York. Drawn to writing and gardening since childhood, most of my memories are set in my grandparents backyard, writing poetry to the flowers or curled up with a book held by the roots of my family’s oak tree. These early childhood comforts were foundational to the writing practice that I hold today.

Tender Mornings is a reader-supported publication. If you want to support this space and my writing, please consider becoming a paid subscriber and/or sharing excerpts of this publication with a friend. This free publication gets sent out (most) Sunday mornings or whenever inspiration strikes. When you become a paid subscriber, you are gifting me the ability to devote my time to my writing practice.

It is through this newsletter that I hope to offer love letters of attention, kinship and devotion to a world that often forgets to stop and take the time to notice. Your readership means more than words alone can express. Thank you for being here. ♡

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Explorations of kinship, nature and motherhood.


writer, mother, flower lover